LogoBloom Institute

About Us

Why were we created?

We, Saketh Bongu and Amulya Bisaria, liked the idea of organizing events especially after seeing sucessful events such as the club fair and International Night.

Why did we pick Bloom Institute?

We discovered the organization through a competition they hosted over the previous summer. They encouraged the winners to apply as chapter directors, which led to us subsequently starting the club at BR.

Why join our club?

Joining our club will allow you to gain awareness on underrepresented career paths. You can gain volunteer hours for coming to full club meetings and having a leadership position or taking part in one of the committees. Being on the event teams will allow you to foster leadership and team bonding.

What is the Career Fair?

The fair intends to introduce students to unconventional career paths that aren't typically emphasized in schools. That's why we plan on inviting artists, musicians, restaurant-owners and others to present at our event.

Future Community Involvement Plans

In the future, we plan on hosting a science fair at the middle school for our next project. An event like this truly inspires students to go beyond what they are taught in school, and we think this perfectly aligns with Bloom Institute's mission.